Privacy Policy Statement

WEDnetPA is committed to protecting the private, sensitive information of our clients.

WEDnetPA will only share certain information with the Commonwealth's state departments responsible for funding, monitoring and evaluating workforce development programs. Certain, limited information may also be made available to anyone submitting a formal request through Pennsylvania's Right to Know.

Information Collection

Application and Invoicing Data

To apply for training grant funds, we ask companies to give us contact information (including name, address, phone number and email address). We use this information to contact companies about the application and invoicing process and to notify companies of their awards. We DO NOT distribute contact information, including e-mail addresses or phone numbers, outside of WEDnetPA, its funding source and other related state departments.

Social Security Numbers

WEDnetPA requires companies receiving grant funds to provide valid Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for the employees for which they are requesting training reimbursement. SSNs are needed to generate hashed unique identifiers to accurately track employee training caps. They are entered in the web browser of the authorized company employee and immediately one-way hashed into a unique identifier that cannot be reversed. SSNs are never transmitted over the Internet nor stored by WEDnetPA in any database.

Other Information

WEDnetPA collects other information over the course of the applications and contract period. This includes general company information and proposed training plans. This information is used only for the purpose of determining eligibility and is not shared outside WEDnetPA, its funding source and other related state departments.

Notification of Changes

WEDnetPA will post changes to this privacy statement on our Web site (, and in other places we deem appropriate so companies are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.